Sri Lanka
Flora & Fauna
Well-preserved rainforests, hilltop plains, exotic gardens, wildlife sanctuaries, coral reefs and ideal trekking areas provide an enriching insight of how rich Sri Lanka is with her natural resources.
With the emphasis on preservation of the environment, Sri Lanka ensures that its natural assets are maintained in their original state. These assets, combined with the island's tourist attractions, make a winning combination.
The conservation of nature has been in existence in Sri Lanka for centuries, and is linked to the adherence of the Sinhalese to Buddhism.
For instance, the people respect the na and nuga trees and worship the bo tree. They believe deities live in certain towering old trees and no one is permitted to cut those trees down - an ancient form of conservation which led to the protection of valuable trees and resulted in protected nature reserves such as the Sinharaja Forest Reserve and the Udawale Sanctuary.
These can still be visited today, along with numerous other National Parks such as the largest - Yala.
With the trend moving towards the promotion of Eco-tourism, one should keep in mind that visitors would not like to be packed into "concrete jungles".
Instead, they look for space, scenic beauty, tranquility and peace; all of these are waiting to be discovered in Sri Lanka!
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For more travel and background information on Sri Lanka, read our Sri Lanka Guide and the travel tips, helping you to make the most out of your holiday in Sri Lanka.